Mangoverde :: World Bird Guide :: Woodpeckers and Allies :: White-backed Woodpecker

White-backed Woodpecker Dendrocopos leucotos

Described by: Bechstein (1803)
Alternate common name(s): Lilford's Woodpecker, Owston's Woodpecker
Old scientific name(s): Picoides leucotos


Jeju Island, South Korea - Mar 11, 2004 © Nial Moores/Birds Korea  Pinjainen, Finland - Feb, 2005 © Esa Ervasti 
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Temperate e. Europe to Japan and Kamchatka Peninsula;
Many isolated populations at the e. and w. extremities of its range;
(1) N. Europe (s. Scandinavia in w. Norway, Sweden and Finland) s. to Germany, Poland-Belarus border in the Biatowieza Forest, e. Switzerland, Austria, ne. Italy, n. Serbia, Hungary and Romania in the Carpathian Mountains to c. Russia) e. through the tiaga to s. Siberia, n. Mongolia, ne. China, Korea and Sakhalin Is. Isolated population on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
(2) Locally in the Pyrenees, c. Italy, Balkans from Yugoslavia, e. through Albania, Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary (Borzsony), Russia (Caucasus, Transcaucasus) and Asia Minor in w. and n. Turkey (n. Anatolia, Taurus Mountains) and w. and n. Iran.
(3) C. China (Sichuan).
(4) S. Kuril Is. and n. Japan (Hokkaido).
(5) C. Japan (nc. Honshu).
(6) S. Japan (s. Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu) and Quelpart Is. (Cheju-do) off s. Korea.
(7) Dagelat Is. (Ullng do) off e. Korea.
(8) N. Ryukyu Is. (Amami-oshima).
(9) Se. China (Fujian).
(10) Taiwan.


No videos are available for this species


Taiwan - Date unknown Source: Wayne Hsu
Taiwan - Date unknown Source: Wayne Hsu
Location unknown - Date unknown Source: ETI BioInformatics


Clements, James F. Birds of the World: A Checklist. Vista, CA: Ibis Publishing Company, 2000.


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